Friday, August 22, 2014

Capturing the Azio Keyboard Data

By the time I had replaced every component of my computer, including the mouse, I thought hey, why not the keyboard too? As I mentioned in the first part of this series of posts, I got an Azio L70 Gaming Keyboard. The last thing I expected was for it to not work on Linux. To be honest, it did not even occur to me that might be a possibility. I scrutinized every single piece of hardware I bought for my new computer, making sure they would all place nice with Kubuntu, except the keyboard.

Mistakenly I thought all keyboards used a standard protocol. Although, the device reported itself as a standard HID compliant device, the Linux usbhid driver was not receiving all key-presses. In particular the Ctrl, Alt and Meta (Windows) keys did nothing.

After verifying on Azio’s website that Linux really was not supported, I made the decision to attempt to write a driver for it. The first step toward my goal was reverse engineering the protocol. Again, it clearly was not standard, so what was it?

In order to understand what was going on I needed some way to read the raw I/O that was going over the USB bus. After a brief bit of searching, I found out that with the usbmon driver, Wireshark can do just that.


There were a few hoops to jump through in order to get things to work. First, ensure that you have the usbmon kernel module installed. I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine the specific instructions for their distro. You will also need to insert the module into the kernel, if it is not by default. On Kubuntu I ran:

$ lsmod | grep usbmon
$ sudo modprobe usbmon

When you first run Wireshark you will not see any interfaces to capture. You need extra priviledges to do that. This makes sense since you are accessing the hardware at a pretty low level and could read other users’ io. So close it down and run:

$ sudo wireshark

You will get an error right off the hop, and a tip about running as an unpriviledged user (I am guessing they disable lua as it is a programming language and we all know what happens when you run macros as a superuser, *cough* MS Office *cough*)

Lua Error

Unless you are going to do a lot of capturing, you can do what I did and just ignore the error. At which point, you will get the next dialog, this time a warning:

I am sure there *is* a better way. But reading a doc would take time and I have got better (and more fun) things to do.

[Aside: they need to sick a UX designer on these dialogs. They are all messed up]

Now you can actually start a capture. You do this by going to the Capture menu and clicking the Interfaces option. This will bring up ridiculously sized dialog that you will first have to make bigger (every time!). Once that annoyance is out of the way, you will see all of your usb and network interfaces. There are often many usb interfaces and it can be a little tricky to find which is the device you are looking for. Basically you will want to interact with the device and watch the Packets column on the dialog. You might have to try a couple, but basically you are looking for the one who’s packet count goes up while using the device in question.

Finding the right usbmon interface

When you have narrowed it down to an interface you want to try, just click the start button and that will begin the capture process.

Now the fun part begins.

The hardest part of this whole process was figuring out which of the various packets had the info I was looking for. First, because driver responds back the the keyboard with each keypress, you have to figure out who’s who. In other words, which packets are from the keyboard and which are from your computer. Once that is sorted out, you have to figure out which packets the keyboard are sending have the keypresses in them (there are a bunch of control packets in the mix) and finally you have to find out what part of the packet has the code for the key that was pressed.

Example usbmon capture

I am a little embarrassed to think how much time it actually took me. Once I had it figured out, it seemed so obvious, but for some reason I just was not picking up on the pattern at first. Everything I needed was in the Leftover Capture Data field.

Once I had narrowed down where in the packet the key code was I began the tedious process of clicking each and every key on the keyboard and figuring out the keycode pattern. Additionally, I had to decypher the system for the Caps, Num and Scroll locks and their associated LEDs. They are slightly different because the driver must maintain the state of each lock and signal that back to the keyboard.

How I did all that will be covered in the next post.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Azio Keyboard

When I bought my new computer, I slowly but eventually replaced every component. With each new component I got, another suddenly seemed in need of replacing. When all was said and done, I had replaced everything but my keyboard. On one last shopping trip I figured why not finish the job and get a keyboard too?

For about a year I have been looking into mechanical keyboards and questioning if I should buy one. A lot of people say that if you are going to use it to interface with the computer constantly, it is worth spending top dollar on a keyboard. However, the $100+ price tags have always scared me off. Especially when you can get a Logitech special for $9.

I have been eyeing up the Das Keyboard and the Code. I particularly like the Code 87 key model. With the built-in keyboard tray on my desk, when I am sitting center to the desk, the keyboard is actually offset slightly left to make room for my mouse. Without the numpad, which I do not use very often, I could center the keyboard with my body. Unfortunately, these keyboards are very expensive, are almost always sold out, and have limited availability in Canada. Finally, I only use the computer at home for a few hours a day.
Nice narrow keyboard

Following my typical methodology, I go to and compare what is on sale that week. I decided to get a higher end non-mechnanical keyboard. I really wanted something with media keys, or the like, because when I have my headphones on for gaming, I have no way to control the volume when a game is full-screen. I ended up settling on the Azio L70 Gaming Keyboard for a really good price.

Azio L70

I got to tell you, I really like this keyboard. It is a lot better than the Logitech $9 specials. It is way heavier and more sturdy. It stays in place nicely. The keys have a much better feel and they press and respond like no other keyboard I have used. I immediately felt like I could type faster on it.

There was just one little problem… This keyboard does not work on Linux. The volume knob (which I love) and the standard keys all work, but the ctrl, meta, alt and menu keys all do nothing. After searching their website, it was confirmed. They do not support Linux at all.

It was not going to be worth it to send it back. Worst case scenario, I would take it to work and use it on my Windows machine. But I thought, what if just maybe, I could write a driver for it? I have never written a Linux driver, or worked with USB, or written in C, but how hard could it be?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

PowerShell Oddities, Take 3

I ran into a weird problem today. I was banging my head against the wall for a little while before I kind of figured out what is going wrong and how to fix it. If you are like me, you would expect the following code to create an array with two strings:

$foo = "Test"
[string[]] @($foo + "_Suffix1", $foo + "_Suffix2")

It even looks like it does. The output is:

Test_Suffix1 Test_Suffix2

But look again. Let’s index into the array:

$foo = "Test"
[string[]] @($foo + "_Suffix1", $foo + "_Suffix2")[0]

As you can see it is both elements concatenated together, not two elements:

Test_Suffix1 Test_Suffix2

I fixed it by change the code to the following:

$foo = "Test"
[string[]] @("$foo`_Suffix1", "$foo`_Suffix2")

Here the output is different, and correct:


Again, if we index into the array:

$foo = "Test"
[string[]] @("$foo`_Suffix1", "$foo`_Suffix2")[0]



Here is the part that really threw me off:

$foo = "Test" 
([string[]] @($foo + "_Suffix1", $foo + "_Suffix2")).GetType() 
([string[]] @("$foo`_Suffix1", "$foo`_Suffix2")).GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     String[]                                 System.Array

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     String[]                                 System.Array

You are getting your array.

That made it hard to figure out because the code was actually buried deep in a sequence of calls. In the former, you get an array with everything stuffed into the first element. In the latter, you actually get two elements.

What is really interesting is that given the above, you would think the following would be the same as the code that worked, but in fact it acts like the failing code:

$foo = "Test" 
[string[]] @($foo + "`_Suffix1", $foo + "`_Suffix2")[0]


Test_Suffix1 Test_Suffix2

Clearly what I think is going on, is not. Let’s dig in a little further…

See, I was assuming that the _ was throwing the concatenation off somehow. Which stands to reason when you try something like this:

$foo = "Test" 
[string[]] @("$foo_Suffix1", "$foo_Suffix2")

In which case, the string parser sees those as all one variable.

Let’s try the original with some extra braces:

$foo = "Test"
[string[]] @(($foo + "_Suffix1"), ($foo + "_Suffix2"))



A little more experimentation:

PS C:\> [string[]] @("asfsadf", "asfdsdf")
PS C:\> [string[]] @("asdf" + "asfsadf", "asfdsdf")
asdfasfsadf asfdsdf

So, PowerShell concatenation changes the meaning of the comma. This is going to require further investigation. My hunch is that the + takes precedence over the , and what you are actually doing is passing an array to the concatenation operator.

In other words, what I think is going on is:

[string[]] @(("asdf" + "asfsadf"), "asfdsdf")

But what is actually going on:

[string[]] @("asdf" + ("asfsadf", "asfdsdf"))

Definitely something to be aware of.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Getting Started with PowerShell Modules, Part 2


Just to recap, modules are the key to organizing you PowerShell code in a logical way. There are two ways to write modules:

  • .NET assemblies
  • PowerShell advanced functions

Which you use depends on what components you are interacting with and how easily you want your end users to be able to modify the finished product. In the last post, I covered .NET assemblies. In this post I will cover Advanced Functions.

Creating a PowerShell Advanced Function

PowerShell advanced functions are sometimes called script cmdlets and for good reason. Once you have created a .NET cmdlet, the pattern will be familiar.

function Verb-Noun {
        Describe the function
        Describe the function in more detail
        Give an example
        Give another example
        .PARAMETER ParameterName
        Describe the parameter here
    param (
            HelpMessage='Some descriptive text here')]
        [string] $parameterName

    begin { }
    process { }
    end { }

Of course, the begin, process and end correspond to BeginProcessing, ProcessRecord and EndProcessing methods, respectively. And that is it. Pretty straightforward.

Packaging an Advanced Function into a Module

Name the text file, that you wrote the advanced function in, with a .psm1 extension and place it in a directory of the same name. Seriously, that is it.

For example,


Importing Script Modules

Modules can be imported in the same three ways that scripts can be run: relative reference, absolute reference and by placing it in your path. However, the third is slightly different for modules than scripts.

Relative Reference

PS C:\SourceCode> Import-Module .\MyNewProject

Note that the actual .psm1 file is located in the MyNewProject folder. You do not need to specify it.

Absolute Reference

PS C:\SourceCode> Import-Module C:SourceCode\MyNewProject

Again, you do not specify the script itself, in the path.

Installing it in your Module Path

First, verify your module path by running the following:

PS C:\> $env:PSModulePath

The first path is specific to your logged in user. The second is a system wide path available to all users. Any additional paths may have been installed by third parties.

This leads to two possible options for you to install your module. You can either put it in a directory already present in your PSModulePath, or you can create a new location and add it to your path. I recommend using what is already there.

Here is an example of performing the installation:

PS C:\> $path = Join-Path -Path $env:PSModulePath.Split(';')[0] -ChildPath MyNewProject
PS C:\> mkdir $path

    Directory: C:\Users\csvingen\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

Mode        LastWriteTime      Length  Name
----        -------------      ------  ----
d----       8/1/2014   1:24 PM         MyNewProject

PS C:\> Copy-Item .\SourceCode\MyNewProject\* $path -Verbose
VERBOSE: Performing operation "Copy File" on Target "Item: C:\SourceCode\MyNewProject\MyNewProject.psm1
Destination: C:\Users\swoogan\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MyNewProject\MyNewProject.psm1".

To make sure that you have installed your module correctly, run the following:

PS C:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable

    Directory: C:\Users\csvingen\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- ----                                ----------------
Script     MyNewProject                        {Verb-Noun}
Binary     Swoogan                             {Find-InFiles, grep}


Notice that the type of MyNewProject is script, indicating it is a script module and not a binary .NET module.. If you do not see your module, you know something has gone wrong with the installation.

Now it is much easier to import your cmdlets. You no longer need to figure out the relative path or keep track of a potentially long absolute path. You can simply use the name of the module’s folder. When first implementing, I like to import the module with the Verbose flag to ensure that I get what I am expecting:

PS C:\Users\csvingen> Import-Module MyNewProject -Verbose
VERBOSE: Importing cmdlet 'Verb-Noun'.

Testing and Debugging

There is one important thing to be aware of when it comes to debugging your script modules: re-importing the module into your existing session will not bring in changes that you have made. You need to remove the modules first:

Remove-Module MyNewProject

I like to write a Test.ps1 script, that I load in the PowerShell ISE, for testings:

Import-Module .\MyNewProject
Remove-Module MyNewProject

Notice that the import uses the relative path in this case, since installing it is reserved for a completed project. Also note that you import with a path, but remove with just the module name.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Getting Started with PowerShell Modules, Part 1


Modules are the key to organizing you PowerShell code in a logical way. There are two ways to write modules:
  • .NET assemblies
  • PowerShell advanced functions
Which you use depends on what components you are interacting with and how easily you want your end users to be able to modify the finished product.

Creating a .NET PowerShell Module

I really have to commend Microsoft one this. Creating a new .NET cmdlet module is trivial. Contrary to the convoluted hoops you have to jump through to do something things in .NET it is a refreshing change.
Here are the steps:
  1. Create a new Class Library in your favourite language.
  2. Target the correct .NET Framework version for the PowerShell version you want to support.
  3. Reference the System.Management.Automation assembly.
  4. Derive a class from Cmdlet or PSCmdlet and decorate it with a Cmdlet attribute.
Here is a table showing how the framework versions correspond to the PowerShell versions:
PowerShell v2PowerShell v3PowerShell v4
.NET 3.5.NET 4.0.NET 4.5
If you are not sure what version of PowerShell you are running, you can find out by running the following command:
PS C:\> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
3      0      -1     -1


Step 1: Create the Project
Select File->New->Project… from the Visual Studio menu.
New Project

Step 2: Target the Framework
Right-click the project and select Properties. Select the appropriate framework version from the Target framework dropdown.
Target Framework

Step 3: Add the Assembly Reference
Right-click the project references. Select Add Reference and browse to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\

Then browse into the appropriate subfolder for your version. For me that was 3.0. Select System.Management.Automation.dll and click the Add button.
Assembly Reference
Step 4: Create an Derived PSCmdlet Class
The basic skeleton follows:
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;

namespace Namespace
    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "Something")]
    public class GetSomething : PSCmdlet
            Mandatory = true,
            Position = 0        
        public string Name { get; set; }

        protected override void BeginProcessing()

        protected override void ProcessRecord()

        protected override void EndProcessing()
That is it. The BeginProcessing and EndProcessing are not required. So a really simple cmdlet would like this:
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;

namespace Namespace
    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "Something")]
    public class GetSomething : PSCmdlet
            Mandatory = true,
            Position = 0        
        public string Name { get; set; }

        protected override void ProcessRecord()
Once you compile your project into an assembly, you have created your first PowerShell module. To use the module, you need to import it.

Importing .NET Modules

Modules can be imported in the same three ways that scripts can be run, relative reference, absolute reference and by placing it in your path. However, the third is slightly different for modules than scripts.

Relative Reference
PS C:\SourceCode> Import-Module MyNewProject\bin\Debug\MyNewProject.dll
Absolute Reference
PS C:\SourceCode> Import-Module C:SourceCode\MyNewProject\bin\Debug\MyNewProject.dll
Installing it in your Module Path
First, verify your module path by running the following:
PS C:\> $env:PSModulePath
The first path is specific to your logged in user. The second is a system wide path available to all users. Any additional paths may have been installed by third parties.

This leads to two possible options for you to install your module. You can either put it in a directory already present in your PSModulePath, or you can create a new location and add it to your path. I recommend using what is already there.

Now, note that there is a little trick to installing modules this way. You need to create a folder in the module path with the same name as your assembly. For example, if you assembly is MyNewProject.dll, then you need to install it into a subfolder called MyNewProject. Here is an example of performing the installation:
PS C:\> $path = Join-Path -Path $env:PSModulePath.Split(';')[0] -ChildPath MyNewProject
PS C:\> mkdir $path

    Directory: C:\Users\csvingen\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

Mode        LastWriteTime      Length  Name
----        -------------      ------  ----
d----       8/1/2014   1:24 PM         MyNewProject

PS C:\> Copy-Item .\SourceCode\MyNewProject\bin\Debug\* $path -Verbose
VERBOSE: Performing operation "Copy File" on Target "Item: C:\SourceCode\MyNewProject\bin\Debug\MyNewProject.dll
Destination: C:\Users\swoogan\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MyNewProject\MyNewProject.dll".

To make sure that you have installed your module correctly, run the following:
PS C:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable

    Directory: C:\Users\csvingen\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- ----                                ----------------
Binary     MyNewProject                        {Get-Something}
Script     Swoogan                             {Find-InFiles, grep}


Notice that the type of MyNewProject is binary, indicating it is a .NET module. If you do not see your module, you know something has gone wrong with the installation.

Now it is much easier to import your cmdlets. You no longer need to figure out the relative path or keep track of a potentially long absoulte path. You can simply use the name of the module’s folder. When first implementing, I like to import the module with the Verbose flag to ensure that I get what I am expecting:
PS C:\Users\csvingen> Import-Module MyNewProject -Verbose
VERBOSE: Importing cmdlet 'Get-Something'.

Testing and Debugging

There are two important thing to be aware of when it comes to debugging your compiled modules. The first is that re-importing the module into your existing session will not bring in changes that you have made. You need to remove the modules first:
Remove-Module MyNewProject
Second, you will not be able to build your module in Visual Studio once you have imported the module. PowerShell will maintain a lock on the file until you unload your session.

I like to write a Test.ps1 script, that I load in the PowerShell ISE, for testings:
Import-Module .\bin\Debug\MyNewProject.dll
Remove-Module MyNewProject
Notice that the import uses the relative path in this case, since installing it is reserved for a completed project. Also note that you import with a path, but remove with just the module name.

Since this post has become a lot longer that I was expecting, I am going to split it in two and demonstrate Advanced Functions in the next installment.