Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Getting All My Mouse Buttons to Work in Linux


When I got my new computer I bought a Logitech m510 mouse with 9 buttons.

Logitech M510 Mouse

For day to day use, and because I had other things to get working (like my keyboard), I decided to live with the out-of-the-box functionality of the mouse. I figured that when I had a burning need to use the additional buttons, I would look into them.

Many years ago I had a mouse with two thumb buttons and it was awesome for playing TFC. I had button mapped to the two types of grenades. The setup works nicely because you are not force to hold down a button on the keyboard, while trying to also press your movement keys.

Alas, it has been many many years since I have played online games, however this weekend, I found myself playing Metro Last Light. The default mapping for the alternate weapon and melee are kind of cumbersome. Suddenly I remembered my mouse had all these extra buttons and how well they worked in TFC. Finally I had a reason to set them up.

The Setup

At first, maybe naively, I tried to map them directly in the game. Unfortunately the game did not register the button clicks at all. After a bit, I thought, No worries, I’ll just map their clicks to the buttons defaulted in the game, somehow.

Making Sure the Buttons Work

The first thing to do was to see if the buttons even register to the OS. To do that, you can use xev:

$ xev | grep button

Once the little window loads, move your mouse over and start clicking away. Sure enough all my buttons were showing up. If you find that some of your buttons are not working, you will have to modify your xorg.conf file.

Mapping the Buttons

A little Google searching revealed that there is more than one way to remap keys. I know, shocking!

I decided to start with xbindkeys

swoogan@workstation:~$ xbindkeys
The program 'xbindkeys' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys

swoogan@workstation:~$ xbindkeys
Error : /home/swoogan/.xbindkeysrc not found or reading not allowed.
please, create one with 'xbindkeys --defaults > /home/swoogan/.xbindkeysrc'.
or, if you want scheme configuration style,
with 'xbindkeys --defaults-guile > /home/swoogan/.xbindkeysrc.scm'.

swoogan@workstation:~$ xbindkeys --defaults > /home/swoogan/.xbindkeysrc

Then you just need to define the mappings in your config file. For example:

# Gren
"xte 'key c'"

# Melee
"xte 'key v'"

To me they seem to define things in reverse. The pattern is:

# Name
"Action I want to perform"
  Event I want to trap to perform said action

Seems like a value = name sort of arrangement, but I digress. xte is a tool that will allow you to simulate button and key presses. It’s actually intended to create fake input for testing purposes. You can read the man page here.

swoogan@workstation:~$ xte 'key c'
The program 'xte' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install xautomation
swoogan@workstation:~$ sudo apt-get install xautomation
swoogan@workstation:~$ xte 'key c'
swoogan@workstation:~$ c

Now my two mouse buttons fire ‘c’ and ‘v’, which will work for Metro.

Except it Will Not

After loading the game I found that the key press events (xte 'key c' and xte 'key v') do not fire when in fullscreen game mode. I have not had time to look into why and to see if there is a way around this.

Final Thoughts

There are a couple of things that I would like to refine:

  1. This one is pretty obvious, it makes more sense to map the buttons to keys that are a little more obscure. For example, a modifier key like Alt or Ctrl might be better because it would be less likely to accidentally type in a document with an errant mouse click.
  2. I would like to see if this can be configured per application. I think that, in general use, I would like these buttons to be my browser forward and back buttons.
  3. The mouse actually has two additional buttons: the scroll-wheel tilts left and right. I am not really sure what I should do with those in general use. I find the left tilt very hard to execute without also pressing the wheel down.

For the second issue, I am sure I could wrap my application with as script like the following:

killall xbindkeys && xbindkeys -f xbindkeys.someapp
killall xbindkeys && xbindkeys

But that seems pretty messy. If I find a better solution, I will be sure to write about it.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

PowerShell Help File Authoring Woes

Poor Documentation

I was really hoping to write some killer help for (my cmdlets)[], but I did not know where to start. If you search around the web and MSDN you might find the only two “helpful” files:

I was not able to find anything in the way of blogs or community documentation. There are bits and pieces, here and there, but they are mostly geared toward advanced functions (script cmdlets).

Note that there are several flaws in the second article that held me up quite a bit. For one, they say to “add the following XML headers to the text file” and list <helpItems xmlns="http://msh" schema="maml">. This is not a header. It is an opening tag that needs to be closed at the end of the document. Second, the example does not show either of the “headers”. Would it kill them to ever give an example that is complete? Finally, the page does not indicate where this file should be saved, nor does it link to the separate document that does (the first one).

Writing a Sane Example

I do not know why it would be so hard to write:

Save the following file to SampleModule\en-US\SampleModule.dll-help.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <helpItems xmlns="http://msh" schema="maml">
      <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
            <maml:para>Gets one or more somethings.</maml:para>

I am not sure what the redundant name, verb, and noun nonsense is about.

And it All Goes Downhill

When I started researching I was ecstatic to learn that the format is XML. I was so looking forward to writing 100% more tags than text. Remember, it is always a good idea to make writing documentation more of a pain than it already is. There is nothing like a boatload of friction to motivate people.

Oh well, after way too much time fighting the bad documentation I finally got my help file to load. What an achievement!

Here is what the system generated documentation looks like (aka no help file):


Get-Something [[-Name] <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-Something -Id <Int32[]> [<CommonParameters>]

And with my file:


Gets one or more somethings.




Hey, what the heck happened to my SYNTAX??? Really? If I do not define it, it goes away? REALLY???

Once again Microsoft forces you into an all-or-nothing proposition. Want to add SYSNOPSIS fields to all your cmdlets? Boom! All your SYNTAX descriptors are gone. But the SYNTAX was perfect the way it was!!!

Good thing making documentation is so much fun, or I might have started to get discouraged at that point.


Well the only thing left to do is find out how to document the syntax. All I wanted to do was add a synopsis to each (for now) but lets see what it would take to bring this up to snuff. Here is the document on writing syntax:

That is right boys and girls, you have to take all the cmdlets, in all their variations and meticulously write XML to define the usage. Were you thinking you could maybe just copy the generated output to a syntax element like so?

<command:syntax>Get-Something [[-Name] <string[]>]  [<CommonParameters>]</command:syntax>

Hahahahahahahaha hahaha haha ha…

The best part is the you get to keep your documentation sync every time you change your cmdlets. Now I am faced with a dilema:

  1. Release my young and rapidly changing project with no documentation.
  2. Write the documentation now and have to change it over and over as the API matures.

What wonderful options.

For the record, this is what the syntax XML looks like for a single variation of a single command:

        <command:parameter require="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" postion="0">
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter require="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" postion="0">
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter require="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" postion="0">
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter require="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" postion="0">
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter require="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" postion="0">
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Hashtable</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter require="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" postion="0">
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Hashtable</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter require="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" postion="0">
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>

Taken from the psake help file.

Do not worry. They know there is a problem and are thinking about improving it. It is not like they are just going to totally ignore it for eight years or something.

And yes I will look into the PSCX module mentioned in that link, but in the meantime I am going to cry.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Raid Setup

In Search of Speed

As I mentioned in a previous post, saying that my HDD’s volume group was on /dev/sdb1 is not quite true. Although I wanted to have a large scratch space for virtual machines and renderings, I did not want sacrifice too much on speed. Both of those operations benefit from faster disks. The cost of ssds in the 512GB - 1TB range is quite prohibitive, so I sought a compromise.



I began to investigate RAID solutions. Of course there is the obvious RAID 0 array, but I have never been a fan of striping or tying two disks together in a non-redundant way. RAID 0 doubles your risk of disk failure and makes your setup more complicated. I guess I am uneasy with it because one time back in about 2002 I got a new Seagate drive and rather than making it a new E: drive, I extended my existing volume onto it. About 2 months later, the drive started to fail and I had a very difficult time getting it out of the volume without losing all my data. Having a bad drive take out a good one is maddening.

Hardware vs Software

Before I got much further, I realized I would have to answer the question of hardware or software raid. After a quick bit of googling, some ServerFault questions and a couple of blogs, I decided on software. This blog post had a lot to do with convincing me:


At this point I started to look into RAID 1 (mirroring) and btrfs. I quickly discarded the idea of btrfs because I am running Kubuntu 12.04 LTS and everything I read said I should be using a more recent kernel. I am willing to patiently wait for it to come to me in the next LTS release.

What I found regarding Linux software RAID 1 is kind of surprising. All over the web you can find benchmarks that show, counter-intuitively, that RAID 1 is not any faster that a single disk. I am only referring to reads, as it is obvious that since you write to both disks it cannot be faster in that regard. It seems most people assume, like I did, that Linux software RAID 1 would read from both disks in parallel and therefore reads could peak out at 2x.

After a little more investigate, I found out that because the data is not striped, Linux only loads data from a single disk for an individual read operation. It will use both disks in parallel for multiple read operations. So for a single large file, it will read at 1x. For two large files it can read up to 2x.


Since I was going for speed, that meant RAID 1 was out. With that, I started looking at RAID 5. The immediate problem with RAID 5 is the cost. With a minimum of 3 disks, the smallest array possible already costs more than a 256GB SSD. I need more than 256GB, but any solution that approaches the cost of a 512GB SSD would favour the SSD.

Unfortunately, RAID 5 with three disks has pretty dismal write speeds. Although I am mainly focusing on reads, I would like to keep the write speeds up too. I believe that adding another disk to the array would increase both the read and write speeds, but at four 1TB drives you are smack dab in the 512GB SSD price range. I would certainly have more disk space but I honestly do not need 3TB. Finally, RAID 5 suffers from long rebuild times during which, other drives can fail.


Enter RAID 10 to the picture. RAID 10 is striping over a mirrored set. Not to be confused with mirroring over striped sets. RAID 10 is fast. Reads are akin to striping and writes go at the speed of one disk. Also, rebuild times are much faster than RAID 5. Here come the downsides though. Since the disks are in a mirrored configuration, you lose 50% of the total disk capacity. Second, it requires a minimum of four disks. I don’t care about the lost disk space; I doubt I would have used it anyway. But the cost issue raising its head again was disheartening.

The whole thing began to bug me at this point. Why did RAID 1 not get the read speeds of RAID 10 (note: I hadn’t found the reason at this point)? Why did RAID 10 require four disks? I kept thinking about it and I was sure that there should be a way to configure two disks into something like a RAID 10 array that would get the same read speeds. I realized that you should be able to segment the drives into two sections each. You could mirror the data of the section of the first disk to one of the second and vice versa. You should then be able to mirror the sets.

Tasty Cake

That is when the light bulb went off. I had seen something like this when I was reading about all the Linux software raid types. I went searching again and found my holy grail:

Linux kernel software RAID 1+0 f2 layout

Aka RAID 10 far layout (with two sections). It builds a RAID 10 array over two disks.

RAID 10 F2

With this setup, the read speeds are similar to striping and the write speeds are just slightly slower than a single disk.

It turns out you can build these things in a bunch of crazy ways. You can specify the number of disks (k), copies of the data (n), and sections (f). So you could have 2 copies over 3 disks, 3 copies over 4 disk with 3 sections, etc…

Once again, software raid shows its value. Without the constraints that hardware enforce, you are free to setup your system as you please.


I have also summarized this post as an answer to a question on serverfault:

In my next post I am going to talk about performance testing my setup and a few surprises I found.